Company :Associated Biopharma
Offer: Pcd Franchise Pharma Monopoly Rights In Korba
Brand Name : – ADZOLID-600
Composition: Linezolid 600mg
The company has over 200 employees and WHO-cGMP and ISO certified formulation production facility at Baddi (India). Facility was designed to ensure cost efficiency in producing high-quality formulations. The company has well equipped laboratories and a team of trained personnel to ensure compliance with very stringent international quality standards.
Today, Associated Biotech Group is a healthcare company which has a product range from Antibiotics to other pharmaceutical therapies.
The comprehensive line of products encircles important health needs from infancy to the golden years. Associated Biotech Group is known for its innovative products and dedication to offer the finest service in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Its products and services are designed to protect the prestige for highest quality standards.
At Associated Biotech Group, we offer contract manufacturing, development, and distribution facilities around the world, to the closed proximity of our customers.