Offer : pcd pharma franchise , third party manufacturing
FENACE-1000 SR Tablets:
(Paracetamol 700 mg(SR)+Paracetamol 300 mg(IR))
An effective combination with a unique and advantageous pharmacokinetic profile.
Both the formulations exhibit good onset of action and peak analgesic efeect with safety.
Suitable for treating both acute and chronic pain & privides all the benefit of immediate release with sustained action.
Sustained Release Paracetamol:
Convenient for patients with chronic pain and enhances compliance resulting in better pain relief.
Provides lasting pain relief and reduces risk of rebound pain.
Maintains consistent mean plasma concentrations above the estimated minimum therapeutic concentration throughout the 24 hours period.
Immediate Release Paracetamol:
Immediately attains the desired therapeutic concentration of drug in plasma in short period of time.
Has rapid onset of action and supports sustained release activities.